Did you get the iPhone 5 today? Below is a list of apps to make the most out of your new iPhone 5.
Read2Go is the best way to access
Bookshare.org books on your
iOS device.
Bookshare provides free accessible eBooks for people with print disabilities. Click here to learn more about
Bookshare. Once you download the app you can download over 150,000 books directly to your device. The best part of
Read2Go is that students can easily read books anywhere because of the portability of
iOS devices. To learn how to become a member
click here.
Learning Ally (formally
RFB&D) provides audio books to people with print disabilities. Members must pay a yearly fee in order to download books. To learn about how to become a member of Learning Ally
click here.
Prizmo converts a picture of a document into text which can be read using
text-to-speech. In short from document to text to speech in just seconds.
Prizmo is also the fastest and most accurate optical character recognition (
OCR) app I have every tested.
iBooks is
Apple's eReader app. It is simple to use and accessible using
VoiceOver. With iBook Textbooks students and teachers can download select textbooks onto their
iTunes U allows you to follow along with select classes from your
iOS device. You can download classes from top universities and watch videos of the classes and read documents provided by the professor.
Great videos that walk you through many concepts from almost all subject. This app is great for homework help and learning new concepts. To learn more about
Khan Academy click here.